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Social Media & Divorce: What You Need to Know

Serving Families Throughout Staten Island

The divorce process can be emotionally overwhelming, and it’s only natural to discuss your feelings and challenges with close friends, family, or even co-workers. However, confiding in your best friend over a cup of coffee or bottle of wine is very different than sharing your divorce details with 400 Facebook friends, many of whom are old classmates, co-workers, neighbors, and people you haven’t worked with in years.

Even when couples manage to have a very mature, grown-up divorce where they treat each other with dignity and respect, emotions are still raw; if spouses are not careful about what they post on social media, it can lead to unnecessary drama, and worse, an amicable divorce can turn into a full-blown legal battle.

If you are headed towards divorce, here’s a list of the top mistakes you want to avoid making on social media:

Changing your relationship status on Facebook. If you are one of those people who are in the habit of posting practically every detail about your life on social media, it may feel unnatural to keep the divorce to yourself, but discretion is key if you want to have a discreet, respectful divorce that is as positive as possible.

When it comes to changing your relationship status on Facebook, nothing says “I’m getting a divorce” faster than changing your relationship status to “single” or “it’s complicated.” Whether you decide to keep it quiet until the divorce is final, or post a “divorce selfie,” talk to your spouse and try to be on the same page about your relationship status.

Badmouthing your spouse on social media. Even though you may have thousands of Instagram and Twitter followers, there is no need to badmouth your spouse on social media. When you say mean spirited things about your spouse or air the details of your divorce online, it creates upset and causes undue tension among friends and family. If you have children with your spouse and they read your jabs, you will be hurting them in the process.

Sharing too much. When you share the smallest details about your divorce on the Internet, it stays there forever. This is neither responsible or professional. Save the scandalous details for your closest friends and family and keep your social media accounts positive and drama-free.

Sending the wrong message. Before you post any pictures involving alcohol, gambling, a vacation, plastic surgery, a new vehicle, a new romantic partner, or any other large purchase, pause and ask yourself, “How could this post directly or indirectly affect my divorce?”

Any pictures depicting a wild new single life or extravagant purchases can hurt a divorce settlement or child custody. In fact, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reported that 81% of divorce attorneys claim that in the past five years, they have seen an increase in the number of cases using social media evidence. The moral of the story is that if you are not sure about a post, it’s better not to post it at all.

If you are looking for a Staten Island divorce attorney, contact The Law Office of Keith M. Casella, P.C. for a free consultation with a skilled and compassionate member of our legal team.